Respect for customer privacy, employees and partners is part of the efforts to build a culture of integrity and integrity at the Mohawk Brasil. Following the principles of ethical conduct, of transparency and discipline, we work to ensure proper and limited use of personal information., strategically affirming the importance of protecting personal data in the best interests of all.

Through this Privacy Notice, we want to communicate our commitment to your privacy and clarify how we treat personal data. We take a general and synthetic approach to being objective.. Not all details about the treatment can be stated..

If you need any additional information, or want to know more, contact our privacy team and our Chief of Privacy:

1. What personal data is collected?

The personal data we process varies according to the reason we have a relationship with you.

  1. If you relate to us via the CONTACT form on our website, we collect email, telephone, profession, state and city, so that we can provide the service or clarifications requested.
  2. We may treat personal data such as name and contact information., when we want to contact potential customers who have expressed an interest in the products we offer.
  3. Our customers are registered in our relationship base so that we can meet legal and tax requirements, and to provide support service, guidance and guarantee. For this purpose we collect registration data as full name, identification documents and contact details;
  4. If you provide us with services, we will collect data that allows us to contact you and execute the contract, such as name, identification documents and contact details.
  5. We may also collect images in photos and videos of people who access our establishments, what happens to the electronic monitoring and surveillance systems adopted for the purpose of site security and people protection.
  6. If you are our employee, we collect registration data to execute the contract and to comply with legal obligations, as registration data, identification documents and professional information.
  7. We also collect data from professionals who apply for vacancies in the Mohawk Brasil to evaluate the filling of positions and to create talent banks. In this purpose, we collect registration data such as name and identification document and professional and contact information.

2. What is sensitive data? Why do we collect this data?

Sensitive personal data is information referring to an identified or identifiable natural person that may generate some type of discrimination. We only collect sensitive data from employees to comply with our legal duties and contractual obligations, within the legitimacy cases provided for by law:

  1. protection of the life or physical safety of the owner or third parties;
  2. guarantee of fraud prevention and security of the holder, in the identification and authentication processes of registration in electronic systems;
  3. regular exercise of rights, including in contract and in court proceedings;
  4. compliance with legal or regulatory obligation by the controller;
  5. contract execution or preliminary procedures;

3. Why Mohawk Brasil collects your personal data?

The processing of collected data will take place in full compliance with the Brazilian data protection legislation and in compliance with the purposes below:

  1. Enable interaction with partners through partnership and loyalty programs, allowing them to have access to experiences related to the Mohawk Brasil’s area of operation.
  2. Allow communication with customers through service channels to answer questions, provide clarifications or establish contractual relationship.
  3. Forward institutional and promotional content that we understand may be of interest to our customers or interested in our products.
  4. Compliance with legal obligations or court orders.
  5. Fulfillment of contractual obligations or for preliminary contract negotiations.
  6. Assess whether a candidate's profile meets job vacancy requirements.
  7. Accomplish the admission of employees, with the subsequent registration in the system, as well as allowing the execution of contracts with employees and third parties, complying with the due legal obligations.
  8. Establish the safety of people who work directly or indirectly for the Mohawk Brasil and those who visit us.

4. How data is processed?

The personal data processed by Mohawk Brasil are protected against unauthorized access, loss, theft or modification, for the adoption of technical and managerial measures of control and information security. These controls range from managerial measures such as privacy policy and confidentiality obligations, to technical measures such as system access permission control, activity audit, Intrusion Attempt Detection and Response Tools, among others.

Despite these measures, Mohawk Brasil is not responsible for the misuse of its customers, providers, followers and collaborators can make their own data, or either by the bad faith of third parties, refraining from the duty to repair damages arising from security incidents or data breaches caused by intrusions, failures or addictions, unless demonstrably caused by negligent or deliberate conduct by the Mohawk Brasil itself.

5. How data is stored?

The personal data processed by the Mohawk Brasil are stored in systems and platforms aimed at managing the internal activities of our teams. These systems have access controlled by access limitation rules only to employees who need to use them to carry out the stated purposes.
We may use data processing services from suppliers located outside the country.. The Mohawk Brasil certifies that any international transfer of data meets our security requirements and the privacy rules provided for in Brazilian legislation.

6. Who is the data shared with?

The data processed by the Mohawk Brasil are shared with employees from internal areas responsible for carrying out the stated purposes and supported by law. All of our employees sign a commitment to confidentiality and must follow our privacy and information security policies.
Mohawk Brasil may also share personal data with its parent company and other Group companies, headquartered in the countries where the Mohawk Group operates.

7. How long is my personal data stored?

The processing of personal data will take place for periods that vary according to the purposes and hypothesis of processing. Data storage, as a rule, lasts for the time necessary to comply with legal obligations, for execution of contracts, and for possible use in the regular exercise of law in judicial and/or administrative proceedings.
if you are not a customer, does not have an employment or service contract, and relates only for business interaction and content reception purposes., your data will be treated indefinitely, based on the expectation of serving legitimate interests. You can request cancellation or interruption of treatment at any time.

8. How we handle cookies?

Cookies are files sent and installed in users' browsers.. Cookies allow identification of the IP address, browser type, type of device, duration of visit, personal preferences, pages visited, among other information.
Our page uses Google Analytics cookies so that we can generate website relevance in search engines. To find out about this tool, access Google's Privacy Policy:
Google –

9. Social networks (Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and Instagram)

We offer communication and interaction channels through social networks. In this case, in relation to the processing of your personal data, we act as joint controller with Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin e Twitter. Therefore, we recommend that you read the privacy notice of each of them to understand how they treat your personal data.:
Facebook -
Linkedin -
Twitter -
Instagram -

10. what are my rights?

The Mohawk Brasil is committed to complying with the rights of holders of personal data. According to the law, holders are entitled to:

  1. Request confirmation and access to personal data processed;
  2. request correction, complementing or updating data;
  3. Request anonymization, blocking or deleting unnecessary data, excessive or treated in violation of the LGPD;
  4. Request the portability of your personal data to another service or product provider, upon express request, in accordance with the regulation of the national authority, commercial and industrial secrets observed;
  5. require deletion, any time, of the data processed based on the consent of the holder;
  6. revoke consent.

If you want to know more about your rights, or wanted to exercise any of these rights, we make available the contact of our head of privacy:

11. Updates

Our Privacy Notice may be updated at any time to reflect changes in our data protection practices. We invite our customers, partners, employees and friends to visit this notice periodically. Relevant changes will be communicated by direct contact means. If you have any questions, please contact us by email:

12. Clarification and Requests

To request clarification, register doubts and make requests of any nature related to the processing of personal data and the terms of this privacy notice, Mohawk Brasil is available for contact by email:

Updated 17 October 2023.

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    Av. Carmindo De Campos, 1887, Edifício
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    Fernanda Gonçalves de Oliveira

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    Rua Desembargador Motta, 1499 –
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    Av Conselheiro Aguiar, 1748 - Sala 1108
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    Bairro Boa Viagem – CEP 51111-010
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    +55 (71) 9 9291-0001


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